Large Canvases need a home!

Large Canvases definitely make a bold statement. The oversized painting trend is on the rise and for good reason. Here, we shall discuss why you, too, should give oversized canvases a go. These large canvases, in my opinion are definitely here to stay.


For starters, as soon as you enter a home with an oversized canvas hung in the foyer or living room it creates an impact. It makes a bold statement for the space used and for the owner himself. Impact is key when it comes to decorating space. It is important for the space being utilized to have a voice of its own; to be heard in order to create an intentional well designed space.


If you decide to decorate a space with a large canvas you can cut down on decorating costs immensely. No need for a paint job, or wall paper or any of those small frames you might see in most homes. You are free on spend on one item which shall be there all pretty for a very long time as opposed to paint or wallpaper. The latter would require a ton of money to be spent on maintenance which is something you don’t need if you’re on a budget.

Illusion of a bigger space

If you opt for a large canvas you have the liberty of making a small space appear to be larger. You don’t need to live in a mansion to have that grandeur effect come to life in your home. You can opt for an oversized painting and give your home that cozy effect with a single decorating item.


Ever heard of painting your own paintings? Well make the artist in you come alive and give making your own painting a go. All you need to do is purchase a large canvas and some paints and bring the artist to life. Painting big hides many flaws so don’t be overwhelmed if you’re not the perfect painter. Just get some paint and have fun with it!

Painting options and what to paint

When it comes to painting in general you can work with either oil paint, acrylics or watercolor paints. The oil paint is generally the most expensive so just be sure you’re well versed in oil before you spend your money on something expensive. Acrylics last a long time but will also be a bit heavy on the wallet if on a budget. Watercolors are the best way to go if you’re a novice painter and looking to just have some fun with your work. Just be sure to purchase a large canvas primed with gesso.

You can paint literally anything. You can work from a picture. You can focus on colors and large patterns. You can paint still life, or from nature or simply just make some modern art and follow the “less is more” approach. Really, it all depends on your liking and taste.

For more options on large canvases be sure to check out our online store at

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